Know About Pancreatic Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Risk Factors

Overview : 

pancreatic 1The pancreas is among the small organs that play a vital role in human body. It is located close to the liver that produces enzymes, which simply helps a lot in food digestion along with maintaining a proper sugar levels in our body. Pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin that maintains the tissue growth of abnormal mass called as neoplasm. There are no beneficial functions for tumours, which all grow at the cost of healthy tissues. The pancreatic tumour simply doesn’t get really indentified until the last stage. As the pancreas is a small organ and the place where it is located is tricky it can bring in issues to several other important organs. A majority of pancreatic cancers starts over the duct, which carries pancreatic juices. The pancreatic cancer can be known as pancreatic cancer, which is a rare kind of pancreatic cancer that starts inside the cells that creates insulin and other hormones. The pancreatic cancer simply starts with these cells only.

Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer : 

pancreatic 2The doctor can carry out a number of procedures in order to diagnose this menace called pancreatic cancer, which are as under:

  • Physical Exam: The doctor simply examines the eyes and skin for jaundice along with the abdomen area check up, which is closer to gallbladder, liver and pancreas.
  • Lab tests: The doctor tests the urine, blood and stool samples in order to check the presence of bilirubin and other elements, which can be caused due to tumour blockage.

Besides the above two tests the doctor can carry out a number of other tests as well, which include CT Scan or Computer Tomography, Ultrasonography, transabdominal ultrasound, Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (PTC) and Biopsy. With all these tests or a combination of these tests can help the doctor in diagnosing the pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Options : 

pancreatic 3The pancreatic cancer treatment has different ways, which include surgery, palliative care, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Some of the therapies are old and traditional and have been in use since last two and half decades. However, with the advent of technology, one can find latest options of pancreatic cancer treatment. With the traditional therapies, the patients are seen with several side effects as well, which include appetite loss and weight loss, fatigue, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, hair loss, pain, increased amounts of infections like jaundice, immunity loss and other similar effects. These do not often come along with the advanced kind of treatment options.

The risk factors of Pancreatic Cancer :

pancreatic 4

Pancreatic Cancer comes along with a number of risk factors and some of these are as under:

  • Obesity
  • Very much common in women
  • Aging
  • Smoking Habits
  • Genetic

Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in India

India boasts as one of the more preferred destinations for global patients for coming for various medical ailments and pancreatic cancer is no exception. India has one of the best oncology care and treatment hospitals and medical centres, which are pioneer in cancer treatments and surgeries. The cancer specialists and experts in India are highly qualified and competitive in terms of expertise and experience that all are par with the ones found in developed nations in the west like the US or the UK. The cancer hospitals are equipped with state of art facilities and highly advanced equipments and machines, which propel in fixing the pancreatic cancer surgeries and treatments the best. Thus the medical tourists have enough reasons to flock down to India for various medical treatment options and surgeries including the pancreatic cancer treatment in this country. In other words, you get high quality at affordable cost. So, what more can anyone would ever want?

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3 thoughts on “Know About Pancreatic Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment and Risk Factors

  1. Suja November 28, 2016 / 8:49 am

    I am doing too much smoke so it is chances of pancreatic cancer in coming years.


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