Why African Patients Choosing Delhi, Mumbai and Goa for Cosmetic Obesity Treatment in India


Obesity cosmetic surgery

Obesity can be called as a medical condition wherein you find excess amount of body fat getting accumulated to an extent that it can put an advance effect over your health that leads to certain increased amount of health problems. The issue of obesity can have its negative health implications and lead to problems like diabetes, high Blood Pressure, heart diseases and sleep apnea to name a few. The obese people are known to have certain obvious disfigurement to address with. The obesity and associated co-morbidities can pile up a significant amount of burden on your health bring in a number of problems. The medical tourists from different countries, particularly from the African nations are seen choosing India and its cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Goa for cosmetic obesity treatment let’s check how it works.

Why Cosmetic Obesity Treatment


By adding the term of cosmetic in obesity treatment, one may get confused about the procedure being adopted for the same. However, the treatment options remains the same, though with the addition of cosmetic term the medical experts give you a feeling that it is done to make your body aesthetically improved, which also becomes the reason for choosing this surgery. So, apart from addressing the issues created due to the extra weight on your body to doing a number of other things, the obesity treatment also help in making your body aesthetically appealing, which given enough reason to add the term cosmetic in it. Thus with obesity treatment that comes in the form of weight loss, you have both the features attached.

Cosmetic Obesity Treatment Options

Though there are several non surgical options for obesity treatment, however, when nothing works the bariatric surgery comes into picture. The medicines clubbed with certain physical therapy and workout session can be a solution for obesity treatment but it may or may not work. In case, the weight loss is not effective with these medicines and non surgical options, the cosmetic procedure like tummy tuck comes into picture. Let’s check out the procedure for the same.

Tummy Tuck Procedure and Recovery

Tummy Tuck Procedure and Recovery

In this procedure, the abdominal skin is first carried out. Here the excess skin is then moved more easily without any hassle and the skin is marked here. The incision is then market over the bikini line and the excess skin is then removed while the belly button is then cored out. The muscles are then made tight over the midline along with the lower abdomen area. If there is hernia found in it, the surgeon removes the same as well. this separation of muscles over the midline can be even repaired. The belly button in then brought via a good skin along with the incision closed over your layers using a drain. And contrary to what you could think, the belly button is not reduced in this surgery. As far as the recovery is concerned, you would be placed over the corset for around six weeks. There is a fluffy kind of dressing at the suture line. You would even feel sore for a couple of days, however, will essentially mobile. Then you will find the drains getting removed using the low drainage. Soon you get a discharge in few days and within a week resume to your normal life.

Cosmetic Obesity Treatment in India


India has been the hub for cosmetic obesity treatment for medical tourists coming from different nations including the African countries. In fact, cosmetic obesity treatment in India has been the favorite of African patients who keep on coming in a big quantity to cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Goa. Thanks to the expert weight loss surgeons and cosmetic obesity treatment experts who are known for their cost effective and high quality results. The hospitals and medical centres are known for catering high quality cosmetic obesity treatment to the global patients with the help of highly qualified and experience doctors and high end facilities. Above all the lost cost incurred on surgeries like cosmetic obesity treatment makes all the difference.

One thought on “Why African Patients Choosing Delhi, Mumbai and Goa for Cosmetic Obesity Treatment in India

  1. delylaa November 17, 2015 / 10:53 am

    I heard about treatment cost in India is very low, But not sure


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